It was just about a year ago that I began to make a few random posts on the Scrap Girls Message Board, but it wasn’t until January that I became truly “active.” It was winter and I was bored, so I enjoyed playing the games and commenting on people’s layouts. Then, one fateful morning in February, I posted an invite to any Wasatch Front Scrap Girls to join me for lunch at a restaurant in the center of the Wasatch Front area. At that first luncheon there were only three of us in attendance, Anna, Joann, and I, but we had a wonderful time.

The WFSG Luncheons started being a “thing” and even the owner of ScrapGirls, Ro Paxman, began to join us! The “luncheon” pictured here was 4 ½ hours long!

Over the months our group has grown. We meet at least once a month and we love to meet traveling Scrap Girls who find themselves in Utah. What a lot of fun we have together. Once in a while we talk about scrapbooking, but our range of conversation is wide and diverse! Earlier in October many of us were gathered together at the Scrap Girls Convention in Salt Lake City. Wendee designed a logo and we had shirts printed.
Andrea, Peggy, Shalae, Alisa, Wendee, Sallie, DeDe, Kaye, Joann, Anna, Ro
Last night five of us had dinner at Red Robin and then went to see “Nights in Rodanthe.” We had fun with our waiter- a somewhat overwhelmed young man named Danny- and laughed ourselves silly. Then we went to the movie. I had no idea what I was getting into, but Richard Gere is eye candy in any movie! At the end of the move, all five of us were sitting there bawling! Joann started passing out the tissues! We hung around long enough for the theatre cleaning guy to show up and we had him take our picture.
DeDe, Kaye, Wendee, Joann, Alisa
Of course it was necessary for us to have a “pit stop” before heading home, so we had to take some more pictures in the bathroom mirror!
Alisa, Joann, Kaye, DeDe, Wendee
Little did I know 9 months ago how dear these “internet friends” would become to me! I count myself fortunate to have found these ladies that share my interests and ideals. I look forward to these outings and do everything within my power to attend. I wish everyone were so lucky to have friends like these!