Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I try to be a careful driver. I actually stop at stop signs and I rarely go more than 5 over the speed limit. In fact, I try really had to be right on the speed limit since I have a 16-year-old driver paying attention to what I do. I limit phone conversations and never text. You would think that these would be good things, but apparently not!

At least once a week I have some car (usually a minivan complete with frazzled mom and a zillion kids) come speeding up behind me and ride my bumper. This is often accompanied by various gestures intended to alert me to their displeasure with my driving. Often they will pass me and send visual daggers at me. You would think that this was NASCAR or something, but it is just 12th East- with its 25MPH speed limit.

I have tried of late to avoid becoming annoyed with these drivers by enjoying their antics. I think the fact that I have scrapfast.com on the back of my vehicle enrages them. I am thinking about adding driveslow.com just for fun. So next time you see me in the mighty Prius cruising down 12th East, know that I am going 25. And loving it.


Britanee Walker said...

it's impossible to go 25 mph on that road-if you do, its guaranteed that you will have various gestures, looks and words thrown out at you and then they'll ride your bumper. i tried to avoid that road at one point haha. i've been seeing your posters everywhere! they look great! good luck with it!

Christina (Brooks) Olson said...

Good for you!!!

Joan said...

I do the same thing on 12th and always have people trying to push me too, but I know too many people who have gone to driving school to hurry any faster. I just quit looking in my mirror and continue on my slow way. My sister was a highway patrolman and said it is not a fair speed limit there and that is should be raised but until it is...25 mph is my limit too.

A Musing Mother said...

That was you. Oh. Sorry.

A Musing Mother said...

I'm bored. Please entertain me.