Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Difficult Week

Sometimes you just have to wonder why difficult life moments all seem to come at once. Maybe it is similar to the fact that once you have a cold and your defenses are low, you tend to pick up every bug that comes around. It just seems that there is an awful lot of trouble swirling around right now. Here's a representation of this week's tough events:
  • a good friend's mom is battling for her life, and seems to be losing
  • that same friend's sister may have cancer
  • my son's friend's little sister died
  • my "fourth" son fell and fractured his skull and will have a very quiet spring
  • my brother had some polyps removed
  • my sister-in-law's cancer is back for the third time
  • a good friend found a lump in her breast- hopefully a benign cyst

I guess the old saying of "When it rains, it pours" has been proven right this week. But, I live in Utah where it hardly ever rains or pours, so I am determined to look on the bright side of things.

  • Dalton may have to be still, but he's OK and now we will have time to have P,R, and D crank through some merit badges.
  • There are worse things than death. It is hard for those left behind, but a sweet release for those who return to their maker.
  • Medical science has made dramatic strides and our lives are generally enhanced by the treatments available and the early detection of illnesses.
  • Spring is spinging and the crocuses are blooming. The robins are taking over my back yard and the breezes are getting warmer.
  • Having the Gospel in my life certainly helps keep things in perspective. I am so grateful about that!

So, despite the week that has been, I am looking forward to the week to come with excitement and anticipation. I hope you are, too.


Jenny said...

Great post!! Is Uncle Jimmy okay?

Britanee Walker said...

what a great post! you're always looking on the bright side. Hope everything turns out ok for everyone you know.