Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It was an absolutely crazy day, but there was no way that I could miss the caucus.  We adjourned the City Council meeting at 6:24 and I was out of there in just a couple of minutes.  I ran to McDonalds because I was totally starving.  After bolting down several hundred calories, I headed into the high school.  I didn't pick up any information about the candidates because it all looked like the pamphlets that I already have, so I just found Precinct 16.  I was surprised and pleased to see the room fill up with lots of people I know, several I recognized but couldn't place, and a bunch of people that I had never seen before.  We had a good turnout. 

The business of the precinct was taken care of in fairly short order.  That occurred because there were lots of people who were willing to serve.  I am the Treasurer.  That is a job I can probably handle!  I want to be involved, but my City Council duties have to come first.  After the meeting there was a little paperwork to do and, of course, some chatting.  I was stunned when I was leaving to see how many people were at some of the meetings!  Some precincts had to be moved to the commons and cafeteria because there were so many people!!!

I am really happy that so many people came out to the caucus meetings tonight to get involved at a grassroots level.  It's too bad that they had to be there, though.  What I mean by that is it is too bad that our country is in such a state of confusion and mess that people are willing to get involved.  What a change!

My predictions based on tonight's observations:

Bennett loses his seat.
Sumsion re-elected.
Steve White is not going to be re-elected.

We'll know how I did in a few months!

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