Monday, July 20, 2009

Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Wednesday I submitted the paperwork to run for a seat on the Lehi City Council. It was decision that I had been pondering for several weeks, but of course, I waited until the very last day to file. It will be a tough race with eight candidates vying for two seats- with both incumbents running- but I am going to give it my best. I hope that I will be elected and that I will have a wonderful opportunity to serve the city. I am stunned by the support that I am receiving . It will be wierd in the next couple of weeks when these signs are printed and begin showing up all over the city. Let the craziness begin!!!


A Musing Mother said...

ABSOLUTELY! Don't feel stunned! Feel loved and supported! I can't think of a better person!

BTW, the comment you left on my blog "Guided Imagery" made me laugh out loud! Do you realize what time it is?! I could have awakened sleeping children and husbands!

Next time I will plan on reading your comments at a different hour.

Britanee Walker said...

good luck!!! if i lived in lehi, i'd for sure vote for you and get some great support. i'm sure you'd do such a great job.

Jenny said...

How cool!! Good Luck!!

plaidmom said...

I just found your blog from another neighbor's blog, and it's been fun reading through. It seems blogs are a fun way to learn more about people in a way you never would have been able to. I saw the name in the list of candidates, and was pretty sure that was THE Kaye Collins! I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to put their hat in the ring. If anyone has the tenacity for it, though, you certainly do! I am excited to hear your views. We've kind of had a "boys club" city council for a long time-- what would it be like to have a woman on board? I am kind of curious why you would run against the incumbents, so it will be fun to get to know you as a candidate more.

Christina Olson said...

I know my parents will vote for you!! I would if I still lived in Lehi. Good luck Kaye, you will do AWESOME if elected:)